Maria Morgado de Abreu and the Taubaté’s “ID”

mariamorgadoexpoShe has been considered the first lady of historiography from Taubaté, she has been the disciple of Pierre Moinbeng a French man who has brought the scientific geography Studies to Brazil. She has made researches of Popular culture, geography, and Local history that have become Obligatory reference to researchers.She has released the first  textbook on local history with the work: Taubaté: O irradiador do bandeirismo industrial e centrouniversitário (Taubaté  The Irradiator of industrial bandeirismand university center). She has been the founder of the History, Language, Philosophy, Science College. She has participated in creation of the department of cultureand installation of the Achieves and Libraries that there are in the City. From UNESCO she has got the title of defender of the Paraiba Valley cultural Heritage. He was married to captain José de Abreu, veteran of the Revolution of 1932 and she had three kids.

Name: Maria de Barros de Abreu Morgado

Birth: February, 10, 1919

City: Taubaté

Occupation: teacher

Death: Taubaté – July, 20, 2008


[colored_box color=” yellow”] Bibliography

Site Almanaque Urupês [/colored_box]


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