Celly Campello – The queen of rock


She has begun her career when she was 5 year old, staring the program “ O clube do Guri” (“The club of boys”) at Difusora  Taubaté radio. When she was 10 she had her own radio program. When she was 15 she released  her debut album with her brother Tony Campello. When she was 17 she reached the top hits “ estúpido cupido (“ Stupid Cupido”) She hosted alongside with her brother “Celly and Tony in Hi-fi” the first Brazilian TV Program. She has participate on the movies “ JecaTatu” and Zé do Periquito by Mazzaropi. Won the magazine of Rock in the 60’s the title of queen of Brazilian rock. She has left artistic carrer in 1962, when she was 20 to get married to José Eduardo Gomes Chacon with whom she had two children.

Name: Celia Benelli Campello

Birth: June 18, 1942

City: São Paulo

Occupation: Singer

Death: Campinas – March 4, 2003

[colored_box color=”yellow”]Bibliography

Reporter – “ Doceingenuidade de Cellycampello, a bonequinhaqueseduziu a brotolandia” (“ sweet naivete of CellyCampello, the doll that seduced all the boys”) by Rolling Stones.

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